Strengthening Connection & Recovery Through Outdoor Activities!

Who We Are

We are a non-profit community focused on strengthening connection & recovery through outdoor activities.

Our events range from monthly social gatherings to exciting group experiences including hiking, kayaking, pickleball, snowshoeing, camping, acro yoga and more.

We also offer 1:1 peer mentorship, a private online community space, volunteering, and training and education opportunities.

As an independent Non-Profit we are not affiliated with any outside groups or organizations and are here to support your personal path of recovery.

Thanks to a long legacy of dedication, big hearts, and the ongoing generosity of donors like you, membership is 100% free!

Whether you have a personal recovery story or want to support what we do, we have a place for you.

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Join as a free member and access all our activities and services!

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Help us meaningfully guide and support those living in recovery. 

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Support our mission through your vital contributions of time, money, and resources.

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The best partnerships overlap passions, leverage resources, and enhance impact.

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